Caveau des Vignerons
We are open every day from 10 a.m. till midnight, and we cook until 11 p.m.

The Winegrowers' Vault

The "Caveau des Vignerons" was reconstructed in what used to be a winegrowers' cellar where the winegrowers used to make their wine. In autumn, once gathered and pressed, the grapes give a sweet juice which, after fermentation and vinification in large oak barrels, develop into a dry white or red wine, characteristic of this region.

The "pressoir" (grapes press), a majestic instrument, reigned over this old place. We converted its wood into the heavy table tops of our wine cellar. The hunting scene above the fire place was carved by a Montreux artisan, Pierre Cochard. On the walls, drawings of a winegrower and of a peasant girl in traditional costume perpetuate the atmosphere of days gone by...
Cuisine non-stop de 11h à 23h - Non-stop cooking from 11am till 11pm
sleep eat/drink visit enjoy
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