Montreux Choral Festival

PO Box 1526
CH-1820 Montreux 1

Map: click here!

Phone +41 (0)21 966 55 50
Fax +41 (0)21 966 55 69

Contact: click here!

APRIL/AVRIL: The renowned festival-contest of amateur choirs from all over the world, each Spring on the Swiss Riviera (Lake Geneva).

This contest, which is open to all types of choirs, is unique of its kind because it allows each choir to put together its own musical programme.

You will be competing with choirs of a very high standard and be judged by an international jury, as well as an enthusiastic and knowledgeable public.

We would be delighted to welcome your choir to Montreux on the occasion of our next Festival, during which you will have the opportunity of meeting and listening to choirs from all over the world.

The varied programmes will provide an opportunity for all participants to enrich their knowledge of each other's homelands. The special atmosphere of such a friendly get-together can only lead to a better understanding between all nations.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and look forward to welcoming you in Montreux!