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Balades et visites virtuelles à 360° pour Google Maps et Street View
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Montreux Jazz Festival 2009, Island's 50th Anniversary: Ayekoo Drummers of Ghana, July 13, Miles Davis Hall. Bad light, bad photos, sorry! Have a look at <a href= target=_self>AYEKOO SLIDESHOW 2008</a>, shot during their first surprise performance at Montreux Jazz Festival.
Montreux Jazz Festival 2009, Island's 50th Anniversary: Ayekoo Drummers of Ghana, July 13, Miles Davis Hall. Bad light, bad photos, sorry! Have a look at AYEKOO SLIDESHOW 2008, shot during their first surprise performance at Montreux Jazz Festival. Photo ID 10019206. © Jacques Lauber -

Ayekoo Drummers of Ghana

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Click here to get info about Montreux Jazz Festival and more photos!

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