Contact: Office du Tourisme Rue de la Gare 18 - CP 265 CH-2350 Saignelégier Phone +41 32 951 16 22GPS: lat 47.2549374 long 6.9931797 Tap to go to Google Maps or type the coordinates in your GPS device. Main city of the Franches-Montagnes, a district of the Swiss Jura, Saignelégier is the home of the famous Franches-Montagnes (or Freiberger) draft horse. Every year, during the 2nd week-end of August, the Marché-Concours (Market-Contest) of Saignelégier takes place, where this typical Swiss horse is the star in a variety of shows and competitions. Disclaimer: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that this official website is optimized for smartphones! |